Letters: Teacher Village DOA, unless…

The Teacher Village does have potential to improve FCSD’s low teacher retention rate. However, the Teacher Village Project team still has much work ahead of them to meet County requirements before the requested tax breaks can even be considered. According to previous Council statements. The Village project is presently DOA in Council due to two […]

Town OKs first vote on Teacher Village

WINNSBORO – After the Teacher Village property request for R3 zoning flew through the Winnsboro Planning Commission faster than a speeding bullet, the feat was duplicated at the Town Council meeting Tuesday evening. There was no discussion at either meeting, only a motion in favor and a unanimous vote to approve. “This will be the […]

Planning Commission gives Village green light for Feb. 14 vote

WINNSBORO – In a workshop held last week at the Old Armory to discuss the Fairfield County School District’s application for R-3 zoning for a Teacher Village, the Winnsboro Planning Commissions determined they had sufficient information to move forward with the request. Moving forward meant setting dates for a Planning Commission meeting that will include […]

Notice of Public Hearing: Town of Winnsboro

R3 zoning sought for Teacher Village

WINNSBORO – Fairfield County education leaders have amended a rezoning request for the proposed “Teacher Village” from PD-R, Planned Development-Residential to strictly residential. The change in zoning plans was presented last week to the Winnsboro Planning Commission, a week after a previously scheduled meeting was canceled to give the Fairfield County School District more time […]

County, District cite ‘Village’ legal issues

WINNSBORO – Fairfield County Council wants several conditions met before agreeing to participate in a school district project to build a subdivision in Winnsboro catering to teachers. School leaders, however, say they fear delaying action could cause Gorelick Brothers Capital, a Charlotte, North Carolina developer willing to bankroll most of the project, to walk. At […]

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