Heartworm Clinic

BLYTHEWOOD – MAFIA’s semi-annual heartworm clinic was held at SPAW’s Doggy Day Care in Blythewood on Saturday. Dr. Terrance Hunter, back right, gave heartworm tests to almost 40 dogs, including sweet Angel a white American Bull Terrior who was accompanied by her owner Dorothy Amerault of Winnsboro. At left is Blythewood Animal Clinic office manager […]

MAFIA Heartworm Clinic

BLYTHEWOOD – Veterinarian Terrance Hunter, Mark Kelly and his dog Bailey and vet tech Jean Likes during the annual MAFIA heartworm clinic and fundraiser held this year at the SPAWS dog grooming on Blythewood Road.

SPAWS pet grooming salon cuts the ribbon

BLYTHEWOOD – Just in time for lake swims, muddy paws and summer romping, SPAWS Pet Grooming & Day Care has opened at 424 Main St. in Blythewood, in the former Groomadog location. New owner Teresa Santiago, a certified groomer, employs three other certified groomers, with appointments available Monday through Saturday. Spots are already filling up, […]

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 | info@blythewoodonline.com