Residents push back against R2’s $468.4M bond as excessive

BLYTHEWOOD – Before Richland 2 voters decide whether or not to approve a tax increase to pay for $468.4 million in various school projects, school officials are heavily promoting the referendum. One stop on the district’s information tour occurred Monday in Blythewood before a small crowd at Doko Manor. The public forum featured presentations from […]

Legal loopholes complicate R2 code

BLYTHEWOOD – It’s being billed as a way to simplify the school district’s procurement code. But loopholes in state law could pose legal and ethical complications to the Richland 2 school procurement policy. Approved at its July 24 meet­ing, the Richland 2 Board of Education voted to strike a se­ries of policy revisions, includ­ing one […]

R2 Board proposes $468.4M bond

BLYTHEWOOD – Two football stadiums, a fine arts center and facility upgrades at several schools are among the taxpayer-funded initiatives Richland 2 voters will decide in a November referendum. Richland 2 school board members, though, aren’t prepared to dive into a proposed $20 million aquatic center just yet. On July 24, the board voted 6-1 […]

Second Report Links Board Member to Coach

BLYTHEWOOD – A second incident report from the Richland County Sheriff’s Department surfaced late last week, again linking Richland 2 School Board member Melinda Anderson to Westwood High School head football coach Rodney Summers. The report covers an incident of “intimidation” that took place on Oct. 30 at a Westwood High School football practice. According […]

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