COLUMBIA – Richland Two school board trustees are lashing out at one of their biggest critics over him questioning the district superintendent’s planned speaking engagement in Los Angeles next month. One by one, at the Feb. 11 meeting, trustees chided Richland County resident Gus Philpott for characterizing the upcoming California conference as a junket. “Superintendent […]
Judgement filed against R2’s McKie
COLUMBIA – On July 10, 2019 the South Carolina Ethics Commission filed a $51,750 Judgment in Richland County Common Pleas Court against the immediately previous Richland Two School Board Chairwoman Amelia McKie. This Judgment is to collect the $51,750 in fines and fees that McKie owes the Ethics Commission under Decision & Order No. 2017-023, […]
Agostini: Board chair plays favorites with speakers
COLUMBIA – Amid budget discussions, policy revision votes and a slew of special recognitions, one board member’s critique of the Richland Two chairwoman’s job performance punctuated a more-than-four-hour meeting. The drama began at about the 38-minute mark of the May 14 meeting when board member Lindsay Agostini called attention to “inconsistent” enforcement of the board’s […]
Letters: R2 Must Follow the Law
The law is absolutely clear. Mrs. McKie was not eligible to take the oath of office on November 13, 2018, because she had not filed her Statement of Economic Interests Report (SEI). Therefore, the oath that she did utter on November 13th is worthless and invalid. Mrs. McKie first became eligible to take the oath […]
McKie fails to file ethics form… again
COLUMBIA – In January, after racking up $51,750 in fines over unfiled ethics forms, Richland Two school board chair Amelia McKie vowed she would remedy the problem. “I am working with my legal counsel to address the fines and penalties imposed,” McKie said at a January board meeting. “I’ve learned a lot from my experience. […]