WINNSBORO – The majority five Fairfield Council members gave final approval Sept.12 for generous tax breaks to the “Teacher Village” a controversial housing project still lacking final approval from the Town of Winnsboro. The vote passed 5-2, with council members Doug Pauley and Clarence Gilbert opposing. Pauley noted Teacher Village plans have not been submitted […]
Council OKs 95% tax break for ‘village’
Court OKs Teacher Village tax credits

WINNSBORO – Privately run residential projects like the fallow Teacher Village development qualify for the same tax credits as those normally reserved for heavy industry, according to a recent court decision. On July 8, in a six-page opinion, the SC Court of Appeals ruled that a proposed student housing project in Columbia is a commercial […]
Bell casts blame for Teacher Village failure

WINNSBORO – Although a proposed deal with a North Carolina hedge fund to build a “Teacher Village” appears dead, Fairfield County Council hopes the proposed subdivision catering to teachers can still be built. At Monday night’s council meeting, several council members said the project might find success with another developer. Gorelick Brothers Capital had planned […]
Green: Gorelick pulls out of Teacher Village

EDITOR’S NOTE: Minutes before press time, The Voice was notified by Fairfield County officials that Fairfield School Superintendent Dr. J. R. Green had informed County Administrator Jason Taylor that Gorelick Brothers Capital, developer for the Teacher Village, announced the company is withdrawing from the project. The Voice will update the story online as information becomes […]
Teacher village hits a snag

WINNSBORO – The proposed Teacher Village is still on summer break. Fairfield County Council has already passed two readings to award tax breaks to Gorelick Brothers, a North Carolina hedge fund, to build the proposed subdivision catering to Fairfield County teachers. But third reading remains on hold due to disagreements over inserting an indemnification clause, […]
Teacher Village door remains open

WINNSBORO – Fairfield County is one vote away from approving tax abatements for the Teacher Village, a proposed Fairfield County School District housing project intended to cater to teachers. But what agreement Fairfield County may ultimately reach with the school district still remain under wraps. After spending 20 minutes behind closed doors Monday night, County […]
Letters: Teacher Village DOA, unless…
The Teacher Village does have potential to improve FCSD’s low teacher retention rate. However, the Teacher Village Project team still has much work ahead of them to meet County requirements before the requested tax breaks can even be considered. According to previous Council statements. The Village project is presently DOA in Council due to two […]
Town OKs first vote on Teacher Village

WINNSBORO – After the Teacher Village property request for R3 zoning flew through the Winnsboro Planning Commission faster than a speeding bullet, the feat was duplicated at the Town Council meeting Tuesday evening. There was no discussion at either meeting, only a motion in favor and a unanimous vote to approve. “This will be the […]
R3 zoning sought for Teacher Village

WINNSBORO – Fairfield County education leaders have amended a rezoning request for the proposed “Teacher Village” from PD-R, Planned Development-Residential to strictly residential. The change in zoning plans was presented last week to the Winnsboro Planning Commission, a week after a previously scheduled meeting was canceled to give the Fairfield County School District more time […]
Teacher Village lacking site plan

WINNSBORO – As Fairfield County school officials press forward with plans to build a subdivision catering to teachers on property it owns behind the district office, those plans appear to be stymied until the property is rezoned. But the district has not yet submitted the required site plan for that rezoning to be initiated, according […]