Teens turn Doko Meadows movie night fun into mayhem

BLYTHEWOOD – Saturday night’s Movies in the Park event in Blythewood’s Doko Park started like prior Movies in the Park events – with parents sitting on blankets with their children, laughing and talking, playing games, playing with their dogs, and munching on snacks as they wait for the movie to start at sundown. In the […]

Commercial rezoning hearing set for March 25

BLYTHEWOOD – Rezoning re­quests for three large-acre Bly­thewood 29016 properties will come before the Richland County Council for a public hearing on Tuesday, March 25. The first of three required votes on the re­zoning will be taken at that meet­ing. Of the three required meet­ings, this March 25 meeting is the only one where the […]

Ad hoc committee applicants not required to submit qualifications

Goldbach: I Don’t Know If Any Represent Animal Welfare Organizations WINNSBORO – The seven members of the newly formed animal control advisory ad hoc committee were not required to submit applications or their qualifications for the positions before being appointed by county council. Only one application was sub­mitted, according to the county’s Public Information Officer […]

Blythewood to hold public hearing on Land Devopment Ordinance March 24

BLYTHEWOOD – The Blythe­wood Town Council will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m., Monday, March 24, at the Doko Manor regarding the second and final vote on an ordinance adopting text and map amendments to the Town’s Land Development Ordi­nance (LDO) for all parcels and property located within the Town of Blythewood corporate limits. […]

FJWSS to break ground on connector line

FAIRFIELD COUNTY – A groundbreaking ceremony will be held Wednesday, March 26, at 2 p.m. for the start of construction of the Winnsboro Connector Line Project. This line is being paid for with a $10M SCIIP grant from the SC Rural Infrastructure Authority. When completed, the line will supplement some of the wastewater capacity needs […]

Review of budget allocation reveals $18K Christmas party, new line item

BLYTHEWOOD – During a special called budget workshop meeting on March 5, council first reviewed the fiscal year 2024-25 budget, then heard from depart­ment heads regarding what their budget needs are looking like for the coming year. As that wrapped up, Council­man Donald Brock asked about items on a separate, loose spread­sheet that included budgeted […]

Fairfield County Animal Ordinance Ad Hoc Committee members named

FAIRFIELD COUNTY – The county’s animal welfare ordi­nance has long been under scru­tiny with the aim to strengthen and update it. Last year a pro­posed amended ordinance was presented to council with some inaccuracies that had been in­cluded by the county attorney and were objected to by some in the community. To that end, council […]

Ruff, Pauley block Goldbach’s amendment to bylaws

WINNSBORO – After Fairfield County Council Chairman Clar­ence Gilbert refused after three weeks to appoint council’s only female member, Peggy Swearin­gen (Dist. 3), to any one of five council standing committees, Councilman Don Goldbach of­fered an amendment to the by­laws at Monday night’s county council meeting that would guar­antee that all members of the council […]

Carpenter welcomed during council meeting

WINNSBORO –Fairfield Coun­ty’s new Administrator Vic Car­penter introduced himself to the community during Monday night’s county council meeting, and received a warm welcome in return from council members. After spending 13 years at var­ious management levels for Boy Scouts of America, Carpenter said he settled into a career in county government Giving a short review […]

Court ruling grants Blythewood town council’s motion for injunction against mayor’s hiring practices

COLUMBIA – A court ruling handed down March 2 granted Town of Blythewood council members a temporary and permanent injunction that prohibits Blythewood Mayor Sloan Griffin from enforcing an executive order issued by him that would allow him to hire town hall employees without town council authorizing funding for those positions. The injunction was filed […]

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 | info@blythewoodonline.com