Sipping the Summer away

Summertime is synonymous with relaxing, right? We lounge around the pool; go to the beach; gather around the backyard grill. Summer is prime time for girls’ getaways and mancations. With all the traveling, relaxing and partying going on, it seems natural to have a frosty glass of something cool and refreshing to sip. A cool […]

Greek Nachos is not a tragedy

I am not a fan of the trend of blending food cultures into new improved creations. Fancy foodies call it fusion; I call it a hot mess. For example, Mexican Lasagna may be delicious but to my mind it’s an odd oxymoron. I’ve been called rigid, inflexible and close-minded. Personally I believe it’s a food […]

The State of Cheesecake

There is cheesecake and then there is New York Style Cheesecake. New York Cheesecake is pure, undulated cheesecake with no fancy ingredients or flavors. While cheesecake originated in Ancient Greece, and just about every country and culture has its own version of “cheesecake”, native New Yorkers claim that cheesecake wasn’t really cheesecake until it was […]

Memorial Day Munching

It began, unofficially, in 1868 as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of fallen soldiers with flowers. The first large observance was held at Arlington National Cemetery. Major General John A. Logan organized the ceremony. His order read: “Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and fond mourners. […]

Are you a sourdough STARter

Life is full of unanswered questions. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? If Apple made a car, would it have Windows? And perhaps the most perplexing of all, why do I long to nurture a sourdough starter? Managing sourdough starter takes more care and planning than taking care of a newborn. It has […]

Mother’s Day, Mississippi Style

I conducted an unofficial Facebook poll about what Mother’s really want for Mother’s Day.  Some answers I totally expected, some blew my mind while others made me snort coffee out of my nose. Some of my funnier answers,      For chubby midsections to become attractive again.  Fat burning cake (my personal favorite)  10 minutes […]

Cooking gets corny

Recently I took a little road trip deep into the South to the place I call home. I drove along dirt roads, watched chickens peck while I sipped coffee and silently cursed the fact that there was not a grocery store within 40 miles that stayed open past 6 p.m. Seeing old friends and family […]

Easter Eggs to Dye for

I’ve always loved Easter. To me, it speaks of renewal, hope and is colored with the pastel shades of optimism. Some of my fondest memories involve Easter. Family, specifically my grandmother, new clothes and shoes, the Easter Bunny, sunrise church services, candy and, of course, eggs. Naturally, I want to recreate my love of Easter […]

Easter Luncheon

Easter is a time for rejoicing with family and friends. It’s a time to contemplate new life and rebirth. The flowers begin to bud and bloom, a fresh, green haze begins to appear on the trees. All of nature seems to highlight this most precious season of rebirth and regeneration. Celebrate the wonder of the […]

Spring is for (Asparagus) Lovers

For the asparagus lover, spring brings more than warmer temperatures and pollen. It brings asparagus. We adore those lovely green shoots with a passion that cannot be explained to asparagus haters.  When it’s available we enjoy it in abundance, never growing tired or bored. We love it steamed, simmered, roasted, grilled, sautéed, tossed with pasta […]

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