BLYTHEWOOD – The Blythewood Farmers Market will celebrate its 10th year in operation next month and will kick that celebration off with its Spring Artisan’s Market this Saturday, March 16, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., featuring about 60 vendors selling handmade items. It will be held in front of the Amphitheater in Doko Meadows […]
Blythewood turned out for Ribfest
BLYTHEWOOD – “This is what community is all about,” General Jason Kelly, commander of Fort Jackson Army Base in Columbia said, smiling broadly, as he made his way through a crowded Ribfest on Saturday, sampling ribs as he went. He was one of several dignitaries and elected officials Blythewood Mayor Sloan Griffin invited to the […]
The dollhouse mystery
WINNSBORO – In 1874, my great grandfather James M. Lawson, then about 17 years old, contracted scarlet fever. In the late nineteenth century, this was a much dreaded malady and a large number of children died from the untreatable effects of the disease. While recuperating, James began assembling what would result in an exquisite miniature […]
Blythewood Masons dedicate new home
BLYTHEWOOD – The Blythewood Masons dedicated their new facility on Feb. 10 with an open house and dinner for about 150 guests. There were tours of the building, a catered dinner, awards and proclamations and other ceremonial events on the program. A ‘laying of the cornerstone’ ceremony was overseen by the visiting Grand Lodge officers […]
Former Blythewood professor endows lecture series
A well-known scholar and retired University of South Carolina professor who, until recently, resided in Blythewood, has been recognized for his endowment of an annual lecture series. Now retired, he has some thoughts to offer on his life’s work, international ethics and the lecture series. “The motivation was to try to make the world a […]
Crickentree named Richland Co. Neighborhood of the Month
BLYTHEWOOD – The Crickentree neighborhood off Kelly Mill Road in Blythewood has been selected as the Richland County Neighborhood Council’s February Community of the Month. This recognition was recently announced at the Richland County Neighborhood Council’s February Meeting in the Richland County Administration Chambers. Crickentree was selected for its wide array of on-going social activities: […]
SCDOT seeks feedback on replacing Hwy 200 bridge
FAIRFIELD COUNTY – The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) plans to replace the SC State Highway 200 bridge over Minton Creek in Fairfield County, and is looking for feedback from county residents as to their concerns about the project. The project includes replacing the existing bridge structure and constructing the roadway to meet current […]
DNA Doesn’t Lie
WINNSBORO – For those interested in finding their family’s history, don’t miss a presentation titled DNA Doesn’t Lie! at Christ Central Community Church building on March 16, sponsored by the Fairfield County Genealogical Society. Whether deeply involved in family research or just interested in learning more about how DNA works, this presentation will be educational […]
Nettie Benson celebrates 90 years
BLYTHEWOOD – Longtime Blythewood resident Nettie Benson turned 90 on Feb. 10 in high style in the ballroom of the Hilton Garden Inn in Columbia. The party, planned by her family, including her sons Larry Griffin and Ethan Benson, kicked off when Nettie Benson was chauffeured to the door of the hotel for a photo-op […]