Thanks for Nothing

Let’s simplify the simple. Here in Dawkins we need a recreation center, that’s old news and everyone has heard the relentless plea from all the locals and the Saving Fairfield people on up and down.

At Monday night’s County Council meeting, the President of the Dawkins Community Association again boldly let Council know that they promised to break ground in January on the 8 + acre parcel for this project. That promise was specifically made by the County Administrator during one of his explanations of how the process would work. And as of this day we have not had anything happen except for the County putting up a big sign that reads: “Future site of Recreation Center.”

At the end of the meeting, District 4 Councilman Kamau Marcharia chimed in with his thoughts and commented that he has been trying to get the recreation center here for 25 years. Really Mr. Marcharia? Twenty-five years is what I heard and sadly, in all that time you have not been able to accomplish just one simple task. Could it be that all the self-empowerment is not working at County Council and the rest of the Council, including the old school Council members, who have certainly had enough of your boasting, and nothing to show or provided by you. Unless it has to do with the sidewalk to nowhere in Jenkinsville, of course. That we must and will give you due credit for.

Thanks for nothing!

Jeff Schaffer

Lake Monticello


Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 |