Letter: Market Building Should be Free to Farmers & Artisans

I am writing in support of the farmers market in Winnsboro.  I shop this market often.  I find it disappointing that we are charging these hard-working farmers so much for setting up to sell homegrown veggies and meat products.

In my opinion, the market should be free to anyone who qualifies as a home gardener/farmer.  It is encouraging that these young folks have dedicated themselves to making a living off the land to our benefit. 

Please, let us support them the best way we can, by reducing the cost of doing business in Fairfield County.  This will grow the farmers market, bring more shoppers to town, and help Winnsboro to grow and prosper as new jobs are coming into the county.

Phil Wingard


Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 | [email protected]