Commerce awards Winnsboro $640K grant

WINNSBORO – The South Carolina Department of Commerce’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program has awarded the Town of Winnsboro a grant for $640,300 to upgrade its Jackson Creek wastewater treatment plant with a backup generator. 

The generator will bring the plant in compliance with SC DHEC guidelines, and ensure the wastewater plant will continue to operate when power outages occur.

“This grant is greatly appreciated,” said Winnsboro Town Manager Jason Taylor. “The State’s investment in Winnsboro will allow the Town to improve and expand the services that it provides to its customers.”

Aside from providing the proper uninterrupted operations at the wastewater plant, the generator ensures that Town staff are free to restore power elsewhere during an emergency.

Last winter, the Town had system wide power outages due to an ice storm. Without a backup generator at the wastewater plant, the electric department had to prioritize getting the power back online at the plant over its residential customers.

“The generator will also ensure that the most vulnerable residents can get service restored more quickly in the future,” Taylor said.


  1. Buck says

    Why no mention or gratitude from Winnsboro’s Mr. Taylor to the county for applying for this grant? Winnsboro WOULD NOT have gotten this grant without the county agreeing to apply for this grant according to an article in this paper couple of weeks ago,. Petty on the towns part and biased on paper. What is the hidden connection between Mr. Taylor and The Voice? Is it just the small local loud group or is there more? Why would you not share the credit where credit is due? Pettiness on Taylor’s part and afraid the county council might have done something right for a change in your eyes? Smearing the county every chance you get only makes the whole area look like fools to companies considering where to expand. Mayberry it’s not. Locate elsewhere is the message.

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