Crock Pot Ministry –

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WINNSBORO (Feb. 19, 2016) — Joining their efforts in a Crock Pot Ministry, a team of about 16 members of The Church of the Nazarene and Shady Grove Independent Church prepare and serve about 180 meals to seniors and shut-ins the first Saturday of each month. Coordinated by Tommy Wright, left, the Ministry began seven years ago when it prepared meals for 23 residents in Laurel Wood apartments. Today it serves people throughout the community. Wright said recipients of the meals are not required to be church members. Wright and David Ferguson, also a member of the Church of the Nazarene, display two of several large trays of cookies they helped prepare. Michelle Woodard, a member of Shady Grove Church, and Deloria Smith of the Church of the Nazarene, begin the task of cutting almost 200 squares of cornbread.


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