Winnsboro vet clinic to cut the ribbon March 28

WINNSBORO – Affordable vet services for pets in Fairfield County will be available soon – as soon, in fact, as the ribbon is cut on the town’s newly refurbished vet clinic on Friday, March 28.

It’s long been the dream of former Director of the Fairfield Animal Shelter, Bob Innes – now associated with PETSInc. – to see all Fairfield dogs and cats living their best life.

With the county shelter over­run with mostly un-spayed/un-neutered, stray, abandoned, neglected, and abused bully breeds, and with regular veteri­nary services no longer available in the town, an affordable vet ser­vice was not just a dream, but a necessity.

Last fall, Innes approached first the county government, unsuccessfully, then the Town of Winnsboro Town Manager Chris Clauson, about forming a partnership with Pets Inc. and veterinarian Robbie Chappell to provide a facility where afford­able – really affordable – vet care would be provided for the coun­ty’s dogs and cats.

Clauson liked the idea and leased one of the town’s unused buildings for $10 a month to the group.

With the partnership formed, volunteers were quickly assembled to begin cleaning, scraping, painting, and repairing the building. Innes and the volunteers raised more than $25,000 to pay the costs.

The 1,600 square foot facility includes an ample waiting room, two small intake/examination rooms, a surgery room that will accommodate two surgeons, a large recovery room, and a large restroom. With an attractive entry area, new laminate in the rear rooms, freshly painted pastel walls, and lots of windows across the front, Innes said the facility now looks like an animal clinic.

“The clinic was so desperately needed here in Fairfield,” Innes said. “So many strays, and good vet care is expensive,” he said. “Our aim is to offer good care – specifically spay and neuter surgeries at first – at prices that people in Fairfield can afford.”

“The clinic will be open at least two days a month to begin with, then more frequently as business increases,” Innes said. “The specific days and services will be announced later.”

The new clinic is located at 325 S. Vanderhorst Street in Winnsboro.

To donate or volunteer, email Innes at .

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 |