The Good – The county may be able to recoup up to nearly $1 million in IRS fines thanks to Clay Killian bring In experts to help. Thanks, also, to Killian for facilitating what appears to be an excellent County Administrator hire.
The Bad – It’s reassessment year and property assessments will likely rise, perhaps up to the S.C. cap of 15 percent over the last five years. We all knew it was coming. This puts even greater importance on a productive budget process and a well thought out millage reset.
The Ugly – The mismanaged Council Standing Committee assignment process wasted a ton of council time and energy. Furthermore, that fiasco manifested even more citizen distrust of council and eroded council’s erstwhile team unity. Alas, it looks like pressure brought by the media and the masses forced some correction. But Swearingen, the only female on council, is still frozen out, and Gilbert again did not carry through with openness and transparency, promising that he would explain to her during county council time why he shut her out – and then failed to carry out that promise. Strong women still spark fear in the hearts of some men.
Randy Bright, Ridgeway