Angel Tree brings joy to Fairfield seniors

WINNSBORO – The Angel Tree is a holiday tradition in the Fairfield community that makes Christmas special for about 250 of the county’s senior citizens.

Staff members at the Council on Aging’s Senior Center fill the tree with paper angels representing the Council’s Meals on Wheels clients or a senior who eats and participates at the Senior Center.

To participate, each volunteer picks an angel from the Angel Tree, then picks up a 32 quart plastic tote (provided by the Center), fills it with non-perishable items – soap, paper towels, socks, cleaning supplies, slippers, skin creams, soups, a special little gift, puzzle books, toiletries and other personal items. The tote is then taken back to the Senior Center for distribution.

Anyone wishing to pay for a tote to be filled and delivered, the cost is $35.

“While these items may not sound very exciting to the average person, they make a big difference for seniors who are living restricted lifestyles due to age, income or transportation issues,” said the Center’s director Angela Connor who initiated the Angel Tree program 14 years ago.

“Living alone can be desperately lonely for seniors, especially during holidays,” Connor said. “Receiving the totes is a personal touch that lets them know somebody really cares about them. The totes full of gifts brings them a lot of joy.”

The filled plastic totes must be returned to the Center by Dec. 6 for delivery.

“We also need volunteers to help us deliver the totes,” Connor said.

The Council on Aging Center is located at 210 E Washington Street, Winnsboro. Information about the program is also available on Facebook at Fairfield-County-SC-Council-on-Aging-INC or by calling 803-635-3105.  Council hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday -Thursday, and 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Friday.

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 |