R2 Black Parents Assoc. grades incumbent candidates

The Report Card

The Richland 2 Black Parents Association believes that families, parents, and community members should be thoroughly informed about the current incumbent board candidates’ records with the district as they seek another term on the school board. As an association, we have 3 specific goals.

To serve as a voice for parents, teachers, students, and the community to ensure that our community is receiving the best possible educational experience for all students.

To maintain a community presence for policies and information critical to decision making, and to our children’s educational attainment.

To organize, educate, and mobilize parents to take active roles in promoting school improvements in their communities.

We feel it is a necessary part of our mission to ensure that our community is duly informed of the records and the platforms of candidates, especially incumbent candidates, so that the citizens of our community can make informed electoral decisions.

Mrs. Lindsay Agostini


Mrs. Agostini has served on the Richland School District Two Board of Trustees for two consecutive terms. She has decided not to seek reelection this year. We want to thank Mrs. Agostini for her service and wish her well.

Lashonda McFadden


When first elected, Mrs. McFadden was focused and ready to work. Over the years, we saw her grow into a good board member. She was conscientious about the burdens teachers faced due to bureaucratic tasks that had nothing to do with educating children.

We also saw her role as a policy maker – advocating and ensuring students receive what they were entitled to in our school district. For these efforts, she should be commended.

 However, in the South Carolina Inspector General’s report which was an investigation into the district practices, it was reported that Mrs. McFadden used a profanity-laced description of a fellow board member.

See the link to the November 2022 report, page 31: https://oig.sc.gov/sites/oig/files/Documents/Reports/2022/Inspector_General’s_Investigation_of_Richland_School_District_Two.pdf

We cannot condone the inappropriate language our elected leaders use.

However, this seemed to be out of character for Mrs. McFadden particularly since she was also a leading voice for allowing students to access religious studies in our schools.

At times it appeared that the tasks before Mrs. McFadden had become too challenging and overwhelming.

Mrs. McFadden allowed this process to reduce her previous focus, excitement and stamina.

This district is nearly 30k students strong and we need leaders that are able to be consistent, focused and energized about the purpose of the district’s work.

While Mrs. McFadden is seeking re-election, we believe this is a good time for her to exit the stage and allow other community leaders an opportunity to serve. We wish her well.

Dr. Monica Elkins-Scott


Dr. Elkins-Scott has often been a veracious voice for children, parents and the community during her tenure on the Richland School District Two Board of Trustees. As the current Board Chair, her leadership has guided the district towards a more stable future. While her directness may offend some, that style of leadership leaves no doubt for us on where she stands on the issues. Dr. Elkins-Scott knows what she’s doing. We believe this is why she was recently awarded the coveted National School Board Member of the Year Award (NABE).

We are convinced that as the most senior member and with a relatively new board and superintendent, Dr. Elkins-Scott’s knowledge, experience, and wisdom will be necessary in the next term. Dr. Elkins-Scott has been on the school board for four consecutive terms. She has always been a fighter for students, parents and teachers in Richland School District Two. As we stated during her last run, she fully understands the complexities of education and has demonstrated the ability to empathize and provide contextual understanding as a leader on the board.

We were pleased to hear that Dr. Elkins-Scott will not seek another term on the board if elected again. And while we honor her service, we commend Dr. Monica Elkins-Scott for recognizing when it’s time to pass the torch!

For this, we wholeheartedly believe that she deserves a final term on the board.

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 | info@blythewoodonline.com