Letter: Burn the Comprehensive Plan!

“Negativity is holding us back and we should aggressively suppress the wellspring of that negativity,” according to the county’s 2024 Comprehensive Plan.

To do that, council should start with a public burning of the County’s 2024 Comprehensive Plan, which makes the county look so bad. If we burn that Plan, potential new investors and residents will never know the Plan’s findings such as:

“Fairfield County has experienced a 12 percent population decline since the 2010 Census count, with about 3,000 less residents in 2020 than in 2010 (20,948 vs 23,956),” or “There is an overall increase in the non-workforce population,” or that lack of economic development is so weak that, “Around 55 percent of renters are cost-burdened in Fairfield County, meaning that renters dedicate at least 30 percent of household income to paying rent.” Then there’s this: “Owner-occupied housing units with a mortgage have an estimated 25 percent cost burdened population,” and the plethora of other negative reveals that are contained in the damning Comprehensive Plan.

Better yet, council could focus on repairing and preventing the damage they’ve caused, rather than just being laser focused on ignoring the constructive and informative commentators who come before council the second and fourth Mondays of every month.

That’s the only real win for the county.

Randy Bright


Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 | info@blythewoodonline.com