The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Fairfield County Council candidates have their say

Candidates Carl Bell, Ann Corrao, & Tim Roseborough did not submit comments

Sarah Bryant, District 6 Candidate

I grew up in Columbia and attended The University of South Carolina. After earning a doctorate in economics and finance, I was blessed to work for many years in government, consulting, and universities in Washington, DC, London, England, and Pennsylvania.

When I chose to move back to South Carolina 16 years ago, I chose to live in Winnsboro and Fairfield County. Coming home meant being near to family. As a result, I am in this place that I love. I enjoy my church, serving as a lay minister, volunteering in many ways, and getting to know many good people here in our home county. I recently retired from academic life in major universities, as Dean of two business schools, a finance and economics professor, and as an international consultant.

Most recently, I was at Newberry College for 7 years. I now have time to devote to Fairfield County needs. I want to work with other County Council members and our residents to deal with many issues that need to be resolved. The current council is making progress, and I want to contribute to more progress.

Budget issues, emergency services, sewer, animal control, planning for contingencies, and more, are issues that need to be understood and followed up on a regular basis. More housing is needed for current and prospective residents. Economic development is a major concern of mine. We need to develop the proper steps to meet the needs of prospective companies, including a well-trained workforce. I truly want to contribute what I can to continue the work being done to improve life for all of us.

Vision and planning are paramount.

As a former manager of schools and departments, I know that I must be consistent in working with the Council and the County Manager to understand the issues and needs of the county. I worked hard for the good of students and faculty. Now, I would like to work hard for all of you.

Oren Gadson, District 6 Candidate

I’m Oren Gadson and I’m running for County Council, District 6.

As a lifelong residence of Fairfield County. I graduated from Fairfield Central High in 1987, attended Midlands Technical College for criminal justice, and graduated from the Criminal Justice Academy in 1993.

After spending 31 years in community service, mostly in Fairfield County, I recently retired as Interim Chief of Police for the Town of Winnsboro.

As a candidate, I will be expressing my concerns about county issues. As a council member I am going to listen to my constituents and learn from them. I will not be offended when they say I could do better. I will just work harder to help lead Fairfield County in the direction that will benefit our citizens.

As I have been knocking on doors and talking with my neighbors, I’m hearing their concerns, that the roads to their houses are bad and that many of them don’t feel safe in their neighborhoods.

They are concerned about the county’s budget, its excessive spending, and they want full transparency from the council and administration.

They want county council to hire a full-time county administrator who has the right experience and qualifications, and who will be open about county business.

Fairfield county is in desperate need of economic development. In almost four years we have brought in only two industries and no waste water treatment for the county. Why?  As a council member, I will call for change when change is needed.

As a candidate, I am concerned about the county’s lack of infrastructure and wastewater, and the reluctance to pay our first responders top wages. It is the first responders who keep us safe.

The county needs to utilize their partnerships with state and local officials for the benefit of our citizens.

One of the county’s closest allies should be the Town of Winnsboro. It is our county seat and it’s important for members of county council to help the Town be all it can be while making life in the rural areas better with broadband, and better, more affordable housing.

As a council member I want the council’s decisions to really benefit our citizens.

Serving on council would be a great honor. I want to help our citizens and improve our county. It is fortunate that I am retired and will have time to devote myself to the betterment of Fairfield.

To the citizens of District 6, I humbly ask for your vote on Nov. 5.

Don Goldbach, District 2 Candidate

My name is Don Goldbach and I am working hard to become your representative for District 2 on County Council.  I am retired from Westinghouse Electric Company and a former small business owner who has been blessed with a great family, friends and neighbors.

I am not a politician.  I believe in a government of the People, by the People, and for the People.  I am a frustrated citizen and that is why I entered this race. Many of you who I’ve recently met share the same frustration.  I too want to see our county services improved, including emergency services, animal shelter, roads and broadband availability.  I want to see our taxpayer dollars spent wisely and our county grow responsibly.  I want to see a Council with members who can work together to move Fairfield County forward, who listen and respond to its citizens, and who know where our money is being spent.  I will work to bring much more financial oversight to the county’s spending, and certainly avoid more taxpayer money being wasted on things like IRS penalties and interest.  I want to see a Council that follows its by-laws and doesn’t, for example, act outside a public meeting to eliminate the second public speaking segment on the regular meeting agenda.  If elected I will initially focus on these key issues.

Effective leadership is what results in progress.   Leadership starts with a vision and then the leader must align those responsible for achieving that vision.  In my opinion, leadership is sorely missing from our current council.  After attending council meetings and various council workshops for several years, I have not heard once about the county’s vision. It is also apparent to me that alignment among the members doesn’t always exist.  I bring experience in taking struggling organizations and creating an effective, functioning team to achieve real results.  I have done this in several large manufacturing operations to improve efficiency, profitability, and safety.  And I have done this with people from a wide variety of geographic locations and cultures.  I am confident I can take advantage of this experience to work with fellow council members to achieve positive results for Fairfield County.

We have many great people in Fairfield County and District 2 who I’ve already met.  I look forward to meeting many more of you as the remaining weeks roll by, and listen to what’s on your mind, the things that frustrate you and the ideas you have for improving our county.  Until then, if you have anything you’d like to share with me or more you’d like to learn about me, you may call or text me at (803) 633-0184 or email me at

Take care.

Shirley Greene, District 2 Incumbent

Continuing My Good Work Until It is Finished

Citizens of Fairfield County District 2: I want your vote. I am committed to continuing my good work for the county until it is finished. But I can’t do that without you. It’s time to finish what we started. 

For the past 24 years, I have lived a life of service to Fairfield County and its residents. Born and raised in Blair, I appreciate the lessons I learned as a country girl: faith, family, community, education, and hard work. I have applied these lessons to the causes I have undertaken as an advocate for the citizens of Fairfield County District 2. Now that I am running for a second term, I ask you to join me in executing a vision for Fairfield County where we face our challenges head on and create a future that will improve the lives of all our citizens. 

As an incumbent, I bring experience and a record of standing up for causes that deserve debate and discussion. As a public servant, I address issues in a compassionate manner.  As an independent voice, I can give my constituents what they want, unlike many sponsored candidates who must toe the line and vote as told.

I promise to continue to work for you. Here’s some of what I’ve done:

Let’s continue to listen to each other and work together to grow this county in a smart manner. Here’s some of what I’ll do:

Fairfield County is facing many challenges, such as decreasing population, a lack of infrastructure, and job competition for first responders.

I am not discouraged by these challenges. I am ready to continue my good work until it is finished. Re-elect Shirley Greene to tackle the difficult tasks facing our county – together, we win!