The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Porter elected to Ridgeway Town Council

RIDGEWAY – Ten people out of 222 who were registered to vote in the Town of Ridgeway, elected a new town councilman on July 2 during a special election to replace former councilman Rick Johnson who was elected mayor of Ridgeway earlier this year.

Porter was unopposed, and there were no write-in votes.

A former Ridgeway town councilman, Porter served three terms prior to 2014 and another two years from 2016 to 2018 to finish the term of former Councilman Russ Brown who resigned mid-term. 

With a 4.50 percent turnout, nine votes were cast at the poll on July 2 – all for Porter, and he also received one absentee vote.

“I’m looking forward to being on council again and working with the council members on issues like updating ordinances and looking at dealing with growth. I think we’ll also be looking at annexation to some extent,” Porter said.

Porter, who also serves as the Town’s zoning administrator, will serve only two years to finish out Johnson’s term.