The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Letter: Overture Walker will be good for Blythewood

On Tuesday, June 11th, Blythewood heads to the polls for various primaries. This distinctly American privilege is not one we should take lightly, and everyone in Blythewood should be voting on Tuesday. But let’s face it, there are some primaries that carry more weight than others, and one such primary is the Democratic primary for Senate District 22. With three candidates, there are certainly choices but for Blythewood, only one candidate truly rises to the top: Councilman Overture Walker.

I have known Overture for almost 25 years. We met in college as pages in the House of Representatives and since then, we have remained close friends; there’s hardly a week where we don’t speak…we are truly that close. So, it’s going to be a privilege and an honor to cast my vote for Overture to be my next senator and everyone in Blythewood should as well.

So why cast your vote for Overture? It’s quite simple: he is the most qualified and well-rounded individual to represent all citizens of District 22, and I do mean ALL citizens. He has nearly 20 years in the legal profession, has served as a prosecutor and a municipal judge, and continues to serve as the Richland County Council Representative for District 8. In his second year on County Council, he was elected chair and was re-elected the following year. This simply speaks volumes to his ability to lead and move the county forward.

Citizens want results from our leaders, right? Overture has more than delivered. As chair, he was on the leadership team that recruited and secured the largest economic development in the history of Richland County: Scout Motors. Whether you like or dislike the project, one thing is clear: we need more quality jobs and Overture has and will continue to deliver as our senator.

One problem that continues to plague Blythewood is lack of infrastructure. This has been one of Overture’s top focuses and he will continue his pursuit of infrastructure investment when elected; and yeah, Blythewood will absolutely benefit!

A supporter of public education? Yes…that’s him, as he’s proposing raising the minimum teacher salaries above $50k and is opposed to public vouchers for private schools.

If anyone reading this knows me, you know I’m a straightforward member of town council. I don’t mince words and with every vote, I have all constituents’ best interests in mind. And this is how I can wholeheartedly endorse Overture. He’s a husband, father, local business owner, lawyer, former judge and current member of Richland County Council. But his most important title to me, is friend.

Let’s send this well deserving candidate to represent Blythewood as the senator from District 22. Vote Walker on June 11.

Donald Brock, Jr.
