Letter: County’s Leadership has Led Us into Stagnation

Fairfield County residents frequently express concerns about the leadership of the county council. There have been consistent reports of certain challenges, such as the handling of citizens’ con­cerns and opposing viewpoints.

These unmet challenges have im­pacted the county’s ability to effectively address its debts, fines, declining essen­tial services, lack of economic growth, and overt mismanagement of county finances.

Additionally, there are perceptions of cover-ups and misinformation, which have, most likely, led to a hesitancy among potential new corporate inves­tors. This has resulted in a period of eco­nomic stagnation for Fairfield County, while neighboring counties have expe­rienced growth.

And lastly, we are currently faced with an incomprehensible budget situation …the budget has not been allowed to be vetted by the public, nor has it been seriously reviewed by the council. No doubt it will be approved on Monday, June 24, still without serious review.

Jeff Schaffer

Lake Monticello

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 | [email protected]