The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Final vote on FY 2024-25 budget set for June 24

BLYTHEWOOD – A proposed 30 percent pay increase for council members is out and $500 for each Blythewood Town employee for gym membership or child care is in, according to the latest proposals council and the mayor have made for the Town’s FY2024-25 budget. Council is expected to take its second and final vote on the budget at the Monday, June 24 regular meeting.

The total budget is $7,326,885 which is 23% less compared to the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 current budget of $9,502,249 after an amendment to the current fiscal year budget was made from the intake of revenue and expenses related to Scout for permitting and licensing.

A review of some of the proposed amendments to the operating budget include $7,360 for council and staff cell phones, a 3.2 percent cost of living allowance (COLA) and a 3 percent merit raise for all Town employees.

The Town will absorb a $23,351 (11.8 percent) increase in health insurance cost for town employees and some council members, bringing the Town’s cost for health insurance from $11,963 last year to $35,314 this year.

Mayor Sloan Griffin has asked to give $500 to each Town employee to be used for gym membership, childcare or similar use. He also asked for a $10,000 Public Safety grant for the Richland County Sheriff’s Department’s Region Six Station in Blythewood and another $10,000 Public Safety Grant for the local Columbia Fire/EMT station.

Council also proposed to reduce outside counsel (legal) costs from $500,000 last year to $100,000 this year. Other operating budget highlights include $50,000 to support a zoning ordinance rewrite, $150,000 for engineering and planning related to bike/pedestrian areas.

Griffin also asked for $14,400 to pay 6 high school interns $15.00/hour for part time work in various town government departments during the summer.

Griffin withdrew his request for a 30 percent increase in the salaries for the town council members.

Several new positions at town hall are proposed: a Human Resources generalist, an Economic Development and Annexation coordinator, and a part time administrative assistant.

Proposed capital expenditures include $1,585,214 to pay off the McLean property at Sandfield and Langford Roads by July 1, 2024, and $100,000 for exterior paint restoration of the Hoffman House (town hall).

A capital expenditure proposal that appears not to make the cut are $500,000 for renovations for the Bethel-Hanberry Gymnasium. That was taken down to $1 to keep the Town’s option open. There is also opposition to a 50 percent match ($750,000) for the construction of a structure for the farmers market in Doko Meadows Park.

Projected revenue for the coming budget year is $3,769,050, and the proposed fund balance and reserve come to $3,832,806.

General fund expenditures include an operating budget of $3,023,595 and a proposed CIP of $4,303,290.

Total Expenditures are $7,326,885 and the surplus is $274,971. The approximate fund balance is $7,700,077.40.

The final vote and public hearing for the FY2024-25 budget will be held at 6 p.m., Monday, June 24, at Doko Manor. The public is invited to attend. To speak during the budget public hearing, a sign-up sheet will be available on at table near the entrance prior to the start of the meeting. Each speaker has three minutes to address council.