The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Letter: Let’s Not Oppose Change

I would like to tip my hat to the opinion in the May 2, 2024 issue of The Voice.  It hit the nail on the head.

Fairfield County for some strange reason has opposed change for most of my life and I’m no spring chicken. It has always been an ‘Oh, I don’t want to change my little town or county’ type attitude of many!

I have for many years watched a decline in Fairfield County. I can remember a day when you could not walk on the sidewalks in Winnsboro or even Ridgeway on a Friday or Saturday without bumping elbows it was so crowded. What I see now reminds me a lot of all the old mining towns of time gone by. No one there diversified and boom, they’re gone!

Same exact thing has been happening in this county for years. No one wants to diversify and wants to keep our little county the same. Well, in some cases, some folks want to wear the big boy pants without growing into them, thus the waste!

If the very people responsible for the county funds ran their own homes the way they run the county, they would all be homeless!

Can EMS drive a statue? Can a recreation park put out a fire? Can a fancy building provide medical care?

Oh, I’m sure someone along the way will shout that all these things were done with grant money, but grant you me, Fairfield County will be another ghost town if it doesn’t get its priorities in order and focus on things that will bring in revenue to support the needs first and the wants second!

Calvin Kennedy

Fairfield County Property Owner