The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Letter: Fairfield’s Obstacles Rooted in Leadership Shortcomings

The Fairfield County Comprehensive Plan depicts the county as having a prime location, rail access, and an abundance of natural resources and beauty. It also enjoys a $72 million legal settlement, high per capita revenue and a high per capita GDP… thanks to nearby VC Summer Nuclear Plant.

So why does it grapple with a shrinking population, indebtedness, economic stagnation, scant medical facilities, and inadequate infrastructure?

That question is answered by the following statement that can be found in the 2024 Comprehensive Plan.

“When asked in the county’s Needs Assessment Survey what is the single most important issue facing Fairfield County, the top responses from its citizens were: governance and political issues, budgeting, uncontrolled spending, and lack of growth/under-development.”

In other words, citizens believe Fairfield County’s chief obstacles are clearly rooted in county council’s leadership shortcomings, which begin with their lack of attention to budget details.

It is past time for our county council to get its act together and start being the solution instead of the problem. We cannot afford a continuation of the current downhill slide. It’s imperative that council finally steps-up and crafts a well-thought-out budget, instead of the usual “approve the budget and we will look at it later” process.

Of course, all of that will require a complete 180-degree turnabout. When will that begin …next week? next year? never?

I am reminded by Thomas Paine that, “Public money ought to be touched with the most scrupulous conscientiousness of honor.”

Will council deliver an honorably scrutinized, detailed budget?

We will know the answer to that question by the time you read this, after this week’s council proceedings.

Randy Bright, Ridgeway