The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Public hearing set for updated Fairfield County comp plan

WINNSBORO – The Fairfield County Council will hold a public hearing for its long overdue Comprehensive Plan at its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, March 25. 2024 at 6 p.m.

Citizens who wish to speak to the plan must sign up to speak by 5:45 p.m. in the council chambers at 250 N. Walnut St. Winnsboro, SC, the location of the meeting.

To review the 2024 Comprehensive Plan Draft that will be presented to County Council, visit:

The comprehensive plan serves as a general policy guide for use in planning for future growth and development. The plan relates existing conditions to a corresponding list of goals and strategies that reflect a vision for future growth and development in the county. It provides a framework for making informed decisions about land development, economic growth, infrastructure improvements, housing, transportation, and natural and cultural resources.

The law tasks the local planning commission with updating its comprehensive plan every 10 years. The county’s plan was last updated in 2010. That plan expired in 2021. 

Once adopted, the plan will become the blueprint for future growth, and development as well as for the preparation and adoption of tools for implementing the plan (e.g., the zoning ordinance and land development regulations). The framework for organizing the comprehensive plan as outlined in the Planning Act requires an examination of ten planning elements, which are summarized in Table 1.1 of the plan.