BLYTHEWOOD – The Blythewood Ladies Club was established in 1996 by the late Alice Roberson, who had a building constructed for the club’s meeting place on land she donated off Sandfield Road.
She was the wife of the Good Aim Missionary Baptist Church pastor, and was devoted to serving others in her church and in her community. So it was that she called together ladies from Good Aim, Macedonia Baptist, Bethel Baptist, Mt. Zion and Calvary Baptist to form a club to promote a spiritual and social fellowship for all the ladies in the community.
The club house is called the Roberson Center.
Still, today, members meet at the club the first Friday of each month where they enjoy singing, prayer and a devotional. The meetings are organized around themed activities such as exercise and bingo. And the meetings are a time for visiting and catching up.
Special breakfast meetings are held quarterly. There’s a festive dinner at Christmas and a fun outdoor August picnic. Members’ families and friends are also invited to these special gatherings that feature lots of delicious home cooked food.
In a throwback to days when neighbors took genuine interest in the welfare of their friends and neighbors, the Club’s Sick Committee reports all sickness known among its members and their immediate families. Cards are sent and, if the member is hospitalized or has surgery, she will receive from $10 to $20 from the club. Flowers or meals are sent to the families of members who die.
The group also offers birthday and Christmas savings accounts for the convenience of its members.
This a great story and women club.