The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

More homes requested at EJW & Kelly Mill Roads

BLYTHEWOOD – Blythewood developer Kevin Steelman will come before the Richland County Planning Commission Monday at 3 p.m. to request approval for rezoning 90.79 acres on Kelly Mill Road from Rural (RU) to Residential Estate (RS-E).

The property is located at the intersection of EJW and Kelly Mill Roads in Blythewood 29016.

As many as 200 homes could be allowed for that acreage.

According to the agenda packet, the RS-E zoning district is intended for single-family detached dwelling units on large ‘estate’ lots with a low to medium density. The minimum lot area is 20,000 square feet.

Staff has recommended disapproval of the rezoning request.

“The proposed rezoning is not consistent with the objectives outlined in the Comprehensive Plan,” the agenda packet notes.”

For more information about the request, the packet is available at Click on planning commission, then click on agendas/minutes.

The planning commission meeting will be held at the Richland County building at 2020 Hampton Street in Columbia, Dec. 5, at 3 p.m.

Those wishing to speak to the rezoning request will need to arrive a few minutes early to sign the speakers’ list.