The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Brecheisen brings campaign to animal shelter

House Rep. (Dist. 41) candidate Jennifer Brecheisen and Shelter Director Bob Innes.

WINNSBORO – As a candidate for SC House seat 41, Jennifer Brecheisen has been checking out the district to see what she can do to assist her constituents and various organizations if she’s elected in November.

“After hearing so much recently about the desperate needs of the Fairfield County Animal Shelter, I  wanted to find out what they need and what I would be able to do to help,” Brecheisen said.

She spent the morning recently touring the shelter and talking with Shelter Director Bob Innes, who is asking the county for $3 million for a new shelter, an in-house clinic and other necessities.

“They need a larger, modern facility. more than double the space they have now, and an in-house clinic,” she said. “Mr. Innes said it would be cheaper to pay for a veterinarian on site than to take the animals to an outside clinic. Plus, he said an in-house clinic would actually bring in revenue, and would definitely pay for itself.

“And he needs this yesterday, not tomorrow,” Brecheisen said.

“For starters, I’m going to look at pending legislation that might enable staff to administer rabies shots on site, even without an on-site clinic.  The savings from doing even that in-house would save a lot of money. Plus, this could help both the dogs and community if staff could administer those shots. It’s a safety issue for the community and a health issue for the animals,” Brecheisen said.

Brecheisen said she felt she could network a group to get behind a bill for this.

Before leaving the shelter, Brecheisen promised to get with the legislature’s ways and means committee to ask them to find a way to help the county’s animals.

One of the shelter’s pit bull guests scrambles up to look out of a barred ‘window’ in the wall of the shelter’s intake building, referred to by staff as the dungeon.