WINNSBORO – Seven people have filed to run for five state and county offices in Fairfield County.
Brad Caulder has filed to run for Probate Court Judge, an office Judge Pam Renwick is stepping down from after 32 years in office.
Annie McDaniel and Jennifer Brecheisen have filed for S.C. House Representative which is currently held by McDaniel.
Anne Bass, who is currently the Director of Finance at the County, has filed for the County Auditor’s office. That office is being vacated by Peggy Hensley who came to work in the County Auditor’s office in 1985, and became County Auditor in 2009.
County Treasurer Norma Branham has filed for her seat for her eighth term as County Treasurer.
Randy Newman has filed to return to his office as 6th Circuit Solicitor. This will be his third term.