The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Letter: In Praise of R2 Board

As always, it is my hope that you are well.  Again, thank you for the excellent job that the majority is doing.

I join the majority of voices in public comments tonight for which many took their silence for granted.  It was not silence; it was longsuffering and temperance, with a hope that these cabals and coteries that believe they represented the majority of the citizens in Richland County would recognize that the majority of us are not without clear eyes or resolve to stand unwaveringly for this premier District that is under incomparable educational acumen and wise leadership.

We wholeheartedly support Dr. Baron Davis and all of the excellent staff from those who prepare the food, clean our schools, drive children buses, teach our children, clerical and technical experts, administrators to the families who are most proud of student academic and extracurricular achievements.  We are Richland Two!

Tonight, we saw clearly that despite iniquitous inclinations (that we have seen acted out in public and even promoted from a few on this board) in the majority of the 11 commentaries eloquently expressed, there is something in our minds that recognizes what is fundamentally right and something in our hearts that is deeply moved by undaunted decency.  That undaunted decency from the majority rose tonight to declare iniquitous acts are not welcomed and intolerable in Richland District Two.

Moreover, those who endorse and encourage such, whether they be seated on this board, midlands TV stations, midlands major news daily, social platforms, or any other means, will not be permitted to use their “plank” – a double entendre here, to undermine this Board or the Superintendent in this District.

The leadership of this Board, its majority members, and the Superintendent working purposefully for the good of all students, regardless of the fiery darts from a disengaged, disgruntled, and destructive minority, “shall not be moved” in the spirit of the Negro spiritual, apropos for Black History Month.

Tonight, Black History Month, founded in 1926 by Dr. Carter Woodson, was punctuated through the public comments of those who understand our ancestry and the “common road of hop

Thank you again, and may the continued successes that make District Two “premier” be pronounced loudly through the county, the city, the state, and the nation.

Terrence M. Cummings
