The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Letter: Still Avoiding Their Responsibility

I have been doing research on the actions of the Fairfield County Council for a while now and have come to a few conclusions. By avoiding all of the well-deserved negative press from the citizens of our community, they have made me understand the type of people we are dealing with. When you let power go to your head, you convince yourself and others that what you are doing is for the good of the people. Even though deep down inside you are making decisions based on either owed favors or future personal financial gains. Do you know the sayings, “One hand washes the other “or “You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours”. Well I believe that those sayings are the underlying reasons for the idiotic decisions based on “some” of our Fairfield County Council Members. I have never seen such disrespect for public opinion as I have seen here.

As you may have realized by now, I am not giving up the mission to find out how the Council is going to rectify not handing out ARP funds to “The Forgotten 58” (58 former county employees due approximately $69,600) but instead gave funds to 115 new hires in 2021, many of which did not work during the Pandemic of 2020.I am not saying they did not deserve some money for working part of 2021, but I wonder what the reasoning was for how they got paid those ARP funds vs “The Forgotten 58”.Did they really believe that we would just walk away from their lack of common sense. I will be requesting more information into the background of each Council Member through the Freedom of Information Act. I will be contacting the Federal Government for insight into how this distribution was to be handled and I will continue to report on everything I find.           


When a group of people intimidate someone in public and that group acquires a monetary gain its considered gang related.

When a group of elected officials, pass ordinances against public opinion, to benefit a select few so the end result is for possible monetary gain it’s called the Fairfield County Council.

 Joe Novaro

Winnsboro SC