Joe Trapp, Jr. announces candidacy for R2 board

BLYTHEWOOD – Blythewood’s Joe Trapp, Jr. has announced on Facebook that he is running for a seat as a member of the Richland 2 School Board in November 2022 elections.


“I am genuinely interested in finding out what concerns parents have about their children’s educational experience as well and giving everyone a chance to find out more about me,” Trapp said in the post.  “Therefore, I am seeking opportunities to meet people and speak with any group that would like to hear from me.”

Following in the political footsteps of his late father, Joe Trapp, who ran for the Richland Two School Board 30 years ago, the younger Trapp said he’s been attending and speaking up at the board meetings recently. He said he sees a need for new, good leadership on the board.

“I didn’t realize how badly the board needed new leadership until I attended a few school board meetings recently. The majority of our board has given our superintendent dictatorial power over them. They let him do what he wants and they just rubberstamp what he wants.

“At this point, school board policy clearly states that if a board member wants to communicate with administration, they have to go through the superintendent,” Trapp said. “They are delegating the decision making to him and are doing nothing themselves.”

Trapp said he feels the board and the superintendent are more concerned about image than about logistics.

“I plan to continue attending school board meetings so I can further my knowledge about Richland District 2 and I would encourage you to attend these meetings as well.” Trapp said.  “I promise to work hard for our students and the community and to be involved in helping make our school district a success for all.

“Please message me (on Facebook) at Joe Trapp with any questions or concerns you might have,” Trapp said, “and I will do my best to address them. I appreciate any support you can give me in this election.”


  1. I will be voting for you!

  2. Joe will be a great school board member. A gentleman with common sense. Polite. Organized. Dedicated. A welcome relief from The Squad. Elect Joe and three other Good people to the R2 school board on November 9. The others and he will file their SEIs on time with the Ethics Commission and will take the oath-of-office legally!

  3. I am happy to announce that I shall NOT be running for the school board. A wise Columbia attorney told me two years ago that I’d have a good platform for the issues I was raising even then, and he added, “But you don’t want to win.” I am a terrible committee, board or group member, because I detest exactly what is going on with the R2 board. It won’t change, because of the four who hold the majority. The terms of all four end in November. Look carefully at the chaos of so many meetrings since July 1, 2020, when three of The Squad took over as officers of the board. Two of them aren’t even legal board members, but there they are.

  4. Pamela Bailey Drant says

    So Joe tells us your thoughts on LBGQ children? How would you treat a child who does not fit
    your narrow definition of male and female? Will your obvious bigotry carry over to children of color? How can you possibly make decisions about our school children if you have this bias against children who are different.?

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