JENKIINSVILLE – Seven earthquakes have stuck in and around the Jenkinsville area over a seven day period with the first on Monday, Oct. 25 and the last on Monday, Nov. 1
All of the week’s earthquakes have been under 2.5 magnitude, and none were strong enough to be felt by humans.
“We were at our cabin in that area over the weekend when they were occurring,” Judy Bonds told The Voice, “and we didn’t feel anything.” Others in the area also reported not feeling any effects from the tremor.
Jenkinsville is located in the southwest corner of the county, near Lake Monticello and the V.C. Summer nuclear site. The minor tremors have all been located around the Monticello reservoir near Jenkinsville.
The latest tremor occurred at 10:59 a.m. Monday, underwater at the reservoir, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake was a 2.0 magnitude and occurred at a depth of just under 0.86 miles beneath the ground surface.
While it’s not unusual to see quakes at this location in Fairfield County, according to the S.C. Emergency Management Division, it is unusual for there to be so many in a short amount of time. However, the SCEMD said seismologists believe these are normal background activity and are not indicators of larger earthquakes to come.