BLYTHEWOOD – The Blythewood Christmas season begins every year at town hall with the lighting of the town Christmas tree. This year will be no different. It will happen this Sunday after Thanksgiving, Nov. 28 at 5 p.m.
Freeway Music students Ava Swindler and Emmalyn Gilbreth will perform prior to the opening of the ceremony. Rev. Carsten Bryant of Trinity United Methodist Church will give the invocation.
The Macedonia Baptist Church of Ridgeway will entertain with several songs, followed by the lighting of the town Christmas tree by Tryphena Cuffy, the 2021 Richland School District Two teacher of the year. After the tree lighting, Cuffy will lead the audience in singing, “We wish you a Merry Christmas.”
Santa will make an appearance before talking with the children in the audience.
Freeway music will continue to perform as guests make their way to the refreshment tents and visit.
Refreshments will be served by the Blythewood Optimist Club (cookies), the Rotary Club (hot chocolate) and the Civitan Club (hot apple cider.)
The ceremony will be held at town hall at 171 Langford Road.