Letter: Helping Themselves

The current Council majority sadly seems to be out only for their own benefit. The vote last night was just a way for them to get an extra $1,200 in each of their pockets (when they’re already one of the highest compensated Councils in SC) and – they think – to help them at the polls next time around. Hopefully Fairfield’s finest and all of its citizens who support our most cherished first responders will show them otherwise! That vote was the worst I’ve ever seen. Absolutely disgraceful and a true “slap in the face” to those who do and deserve the most of this hazard pay money. And what the Chairman said about the CARES money is revisionist history – Mrs. Bertha and others told me at the time that he effectively killed the idea of first responder hazard pay then because he demanded if everybody didn’t receive it that nobody receive it.

Billy Smith, former council chair

Savannah, GA

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