Thank you to council and the people of Fairfield County for your support this last four years that I had the honor and privilege to serve on county council. And most of all, I thank God for this part of my journey in life.

Sometimes we say, ‘Who would have thunk it!’
And who would have thought that God would allow me to serve his people – such great people – in such an awesome way. I’m truly humbled. I’m grateful. And I will not forget anybody.
I especially thank our administrator, Jason Taylor, for his support and for all he does for our county. I’m telling you, God has a special hand on us giving you something special. Continue to use that for our county.
And thank you to Ty Davenport, our economic development director, and to all the county employees for the good job you do for the people of Fairfield.
And for those who are just coming on to council, God bless you, strengthen you and guide you. If there is any way I can help you, please give me a call.
God bless
Bertha Goins, District 4