Blythewood educators honored with state titles

COLUMBIA – Two Blythewoodians have received state honors for their work in education. Lindsey Rega, who teaches science at Spring Valley High School has been named 2020 Teacher of the Year by the South Carolina Academy of Science. Bobby Cunningham, principal of the W. R. Rogers Center for Adult, Technology and Continuing Education, has been named 2021 South Carolina Adult Education Director of the Year.

Lindsey Rega


Rega is a 2012 honor graduate of Blythewood High School and 2016 graduate of Clemson University where she earned a dual degree in chemistry and education. She has taught science at SVHS for the last four years.

Rega was recognized by SCAS for her classroom practices and work to provide all students with a strong foundation in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). She says she strives to provide relevant, hands-on learning experiences for her students where they engage with chemistry and Earth science content from a cross-disciplinary approach.

Many of her students have been invited to represent South Carolina at the American Junior Academy of Science.

“Ms. Rega does a great job of illustrating to students the connection between the real world and the STEM content and she primes them to apply the skills they learn beyond her classroom,” SVHS principal Jeff Temoney said.

Bobby Cunningham


Cunningham said the honor has brought him full circle in his career, having been recognized years ago as the SCASA Adult Education Rookie Director of the Year.

“It feels good to look back over the years and at the lives I’ve touched in my pursuit to build a better future for people of all ages returning to school and entering the workforce.

Mr. Cunningham holds a Bachelors’ degree in mathematics from Erskine College, a master’s degree in teaching and an educational specialist degree in administrative leadership.

“The district is fortunate to have Cunningham’s level of dedication at work in the district and community,” Richland Two Superintendent Dr. Baron Davis commented. “He is a servant leader who operates with the highest standards of integrity ad ethics. He works tirelessly with faculty and staff to ensure the needs of a diverse student population are met. Cunningham’s wife, Linda, is a retired Blythewood High School assistant principal.  

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 |