Holiday Market draws crowd

Tamara Day and her mom, Mamie Turner display their creations. | Photos: Barbara Ball

BLYTHEWOOD – The new location for the Blythewood Artist Guild’s Holiday Market was the right choice for the group’s 10th anniversary Market, guild member Brenda Konitzer said following the three day event. The Guild had held its Market in the IGA shopping center for the last nine years, moving its operation this year to the Columbia County Club in LongCreek Plantation.

“We had an increase in our number of visitors over past years and while our number of vendors was down this year, our revenue was not,” Konitzer said. “It was definitely a successful Holiday Market.”

Of the 750 visitors to the Market, the first 500 took home swag bags filled with koozies, candy, coloring books for the kids and other goodies. Now they are planning the Spring Market and hope to have more vendors and more shoppers.

“The Market is a great place to buy unique seasonal gifts and a great way to support our local craftsmen and artisans,” Konitzer said.

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 |