WINNSBORO – Winnsboro Lions welcomed new officers for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Lion Bobbie Dove was installed as President, Lion Gene Holmes as First Vice President, Lion Michelle Taylor as Second Vice President, and Lion Richard Hodges as Secretary. Lion Cathy Johnson was reinstalled as Treasurer, and Lion Teresa Reed is the club’s new Chaplain. New Board of Directors members include Lexa Hartwell, Melody Hair, Donnie Laird and Teresa Reed.
The Winnsboro Lions Club, chartered in 1935, has now been serving the Fairfield County area for eighty-four years. The club’s primary focus is sight preservation and all vision services and to assist in vision screening in public and private schools and provide eye exams and glasses for needy citizens. The organization engages in environmental, hunger, childhood cancer, and diabetes awareness issues.
The club meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at noon at the China Buffet. Visitors are always welcomed.