Blythewood Scouts Make Moves

BLYTHEWOOD – Pictured above, Boy Scout Troop 633, from New Kirk Presbyterian Church, collected 911 pounds of food and $426 over the two weekends in February for Scouting for Food. All the food and money was donated to Christian Assistance Bridge.

Below, after earning the ranks of Bobcat, Tiger Cub, Wolf, Bear and Webelos, Cub Scout Pack 224 made the transition to Boy Scout Troop 224 on Tuesday, Feb. 5. As Boy Scouts, the troop members will have opportunities to explore and experience more than 130 merit badges as they climb the path toward Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Boy Scouts. Front, from left: Braden M., Zachary S., Jack P., Jordan S.; back, from left: Jaxson S., Tyler D., Jack D., Blake E., Christian A. and Ceremonial Indian Brave Dillon K.

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 |