Ridgeway Town Council voted unanimously last week to hire a part time, temporary administrative consultant for the Town. The announcement was made by Mayor Charlene Herring following executive session during the Sept. 21 meeting. The hiring had not previously been discussed in open session of town meetings.
The motion was made by Councilwoman Angela Harrison to pay David Hudspeth $60 per hour one day each week with a mileage allowance of 53.5¢ per mile. Herring said Hudspeth is currently a part time town administrator in Mullins, S.C. Harrison’s motion called for the hiring to become effective with the mayor’s signature and Hudspeth’s agreement to the contract.
Herring said the job did not have to be advertised because the position is part time.
“We talked to a person who recommended him,” Herring said. He has worked for the towns of Rock Hill, Ft. Mill and Bamberg as a city administrator. The position is temporary, 30 days over six months. We can decide how much we need him and what advice he gives,” she said.
Asked what his duties would be, Herring at first replied, “Administrative duties.”
Pressed by The Voice for details, Herring read from a list: Day-to-day running of the town operations, pursuing grants, helping with the bidding process, improvements regarding legal matters, working with committees for interpretation of zoning laws in the County, assist employees with efficiency and effectiveness of the workplace, strategic planning implementation and whatever else Council needs.”
Hudspeth began his duties last week and Herring said he would be in the office on Wednesdays.