Even though an article appeared in the May 25 issue of The Voice explaining the future of Fairfield Memorial Hospital following the construction of a new Emergency Room in the County by Providence Hospital, there seems to be some who thing the hospital is on the verge of closing. I am on the FMH Board of Directors, and I can assure the citizens of Fairfield County that the hospital is not closing. As was explained in The Voice article, Providence Hospital is going to build a free-standing Emergency Room that will relieve FMH of its most expensive service, the ER. When the new Emergency Room is opened, Providence has offered to lease X-Ray, MRI and Cat Scan equipment to FMH to help it both survive and prosper.
J. R. Douglas
Thanks JR for the clarification of the information about the hospital. All were concerned about the closing of the hospital. The cardiac rehab center and PT unit is great and should be offered to the citizens of the county as a precaution to prevent heart attacks and help the older citizens stay active.