The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Common Sense

Common sense was the clear winner in Fairfield’s great “biscuits vs. book bags” debate (Grants -The Voice 8/17). To be more precise, this debate was a Fairfield County Council discussion about the merits of a discretionary service delivery system which is based upon an unwieldy and uneven grant process which often features requests that prioritizes non-essential item like biscuits and restaurant dinning. The common sense side of the debate argued for centrally directed services which focus on true needs such as school supplies. We are most thankful Comptroller Johnson and Administrator Taylor took the common sense stand for effective and efficient government versus a bureaucratic and wasteful discretionary grant process.

More needs will be truly met by eliminating the wasteful roadblocks caused by the never-ending paperwork and appeals which were ingrained in the grant process. Further, those needs will be more expeditiously delivered by adhering to Taylor’s suggestion to have the county eliminate the middlemen via direct County delivery. Taylor’s suggestion of supplying school supplies also ensures true needs, plus more needs, are met in a consistent and fair process.

Of course, the “we used to do it this way” argument was brought up by a grant proponent. I cringe every time I hear that line from our officials. Frankly, over the years Fairfield has developed many bad government habits (including the cumbersome grant process) which should be corrected. Those bad habits have earned us a Spend More but Get Less reputation which we desperately need to shed. Book bags winning out over biscuits is a step in the right direction.

Thanks again to Taylor and Johnson and Councilman Smith for putting us on the path to common sense government.

Randy Bright
