Blythewood Town Council Candidates: Eddie Baughman

Eddie Baughman copyEddie Baughman

(4-year term)

As a 30-year resident of Blythewood, I am incredibly passionate about our community and am grateful for the opportunity I’ve had to serve you on Town Council, to be your voice in government. My life’s calling has been to public service, and I take it seriously.

U. S. Navy veteran

I served as a petty officer assigned to a fighter squadron, trained pilots and air crewmen, served on the USS Nimitz, USS John F Kennedy, USS Forrestal, USS America, USS Independence and the USS Saratoga. Today I am active in our veteran community through post-sponsored activities and continuing education for veterans. I hold senior leadership positions in both Lake Wateree VFW post 8346 and Lake Wateree AMVETS post 33.

Fire Service Career

As a 26-year member of the Columbia Richland fire service, I have 17 years command experience, serving as Captain on both engines and ladder trucks and as Battalion Chief in the largest battalion of Richland County. I was responsible for command and control of nine fire stations and 60 personnel. I served as Department Coordinator of the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s “Fill the Boot,” helping to raise over a million dollars to find a cure for neuromuscular disease. In my retirement, I serve as an officer in the International Association of Fire Fighters local 793.

Church Service

As a member of Sandy Level Baptist Church I’ve served in many areas of church life, children’s Sunday School teacher, usher, trustee and as chairman of the deacon board.

Community Service

As a Town Councilman and as a citizen, I am incredibly focused on the controlled growth of our town. My wife, Donna, and I raised our two children here and my goal was always to put my best efforts into maintaining the beauty and appeal that brought each of us to Blythewood.

If re-elected to Council I vow to continue to work diligently with area government agencies to improve our town’s infrastructure. I will continue to support our local businesses and to seek improvements to attract new local and family oriented establishments. I will seek to safe guard our residents and town from unnecessary debt and continue to be a good steward of the town’s resources. I am absolutely dedicated to protecting our town’s citizens’ right to good governance. I believe our government is more open and accessible now than ever before. I attribute that to an administration and Council who want it to be so.

If re-elected to Blythewood Town Council, my promise to you the citizens of Blythewood is that I will work with you to promote the harmony and diversity Blythewood is known for so that our community can continue to be a shining example to all of Richland County.

Much has been accomplished these last four years, but we have much more work to do. Blythewood is our home.

I ask for your vote on Nov. 3. Together, we can!


Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 |