The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

3/4 Change

The Taxpayers of Fairfield County got together and spent a lot of time and money to help change the County Council so intelligent people on the council could take charge and do the right things needed to lower our taxes and make changes that would benefit everyone. From my perspective, three of the new four members are trying to help make changes, but a fourth member has turned his back on the citizens of our county.

About the raise in pay for Fairfield County employees: A raise is needed for the lower-paid workers of our county, especially law enforcement, and not the County department directors – they already make more than our elected officials. Their pay is so much out of norm that they should have to run for the job and be voted in. Most counties have one accountant, we have two – one makes $71,441 a year; the other $93,197 a year. We have a Deputy Administrator that makes as much as most County Administrators. You have to understand this is a county with a population of only 24,000 people.

I understand some of our higher-paid county employees live in other counties. There must be something wrong in our county that would make them live elsewhere. Ask these employees why they will not move here and tell them if they do not like Fairfield County, get a job in the county they and their families live in.

High taxes are making people leave and others not consider moving to Fairfield County.

J.R. Douglas
