The Voice of Blythewood & Fairfield County

Vote for Leadership

Mikel Trapp (District 3) said that some people in his district are Republican Tea Party members. I am not a Republican or a Tea Party person. But I will tell you that I am a taxpayer and have been for 54 years. No politician can buy me or my vote with gifts that Mr. Trapp offered in his newsletters, which were sent obviously to people he felt would approve of his methods. I feel slighted because he didn’t send me the newsletter offering me the gifts he selectively offered others. He didn’t send them to everyone he was supposed to represent in District 3. I am a senior citizen in District 3 and do not have a smoke detector, but I definitely need one because I have a disabled husband. To be fair to everyone, he should get me a smoke detector ASAP out of my taxpayer money that he is using.

It is in poor taste for Mr. Trapp to bash Tangee Brice-Jacobs and Walter Larry Stewart who, in my judgment, can provide far better leadership for District 3 than he has. One thing I do know about Stewart and Jacobs: they won’t miss 24 out of 50 meetings as he has.

Voters and taxpayers: Wake up before it is too late – and find out what district you are in before Nov. 4. I didn’t know I had been moved from District 5 into District 3 until a few months ago when I accidentally found out myself. I was never told of the change or when I had been moved.


Irene Mattox
