BLYTHEWOOD – Following an executive session at the end of Monday evening’s Town Council meeting, Council voted to select four finalists for the Blythewood Town Administrator position. One Council member said it was the same top four chosen by the selection committee.
The four finalists are T. Lloyd Kerr, Development Services Director for Escambia County, Fla.; Gary Parker, Town Manager for Sunset Beach, N.C.; Wade Luther, Economic Development Director for Camden; and Stevie Cox, Town Manager for Chadbourn, N.C.
Council interviewed the four candidates on Tuesday and Wednesday; however, Councilman Tom Utroska told The Voice that he did not know when Council would select the winning candidate. When the search began in February, criteria for candidates for the position included relocation to the Town, four to six years’ experience and a degree in public administration or a related field. The salary range for the job is $70,000 – $90,000. The candidate selected will replace John Perry who left the position last December.