RIDGEWAY – Town Council took its first tentative steps toward beginning their budgeting process for the 2014-2015 fiscal year April 10, with discussions centering on how to pass along a water rate increase from the Town of Winnsboro.
“I’d like to keep it in line with what we’ve traditionally done, without it being excessive,” Councilman Russ Brown said.
The 78-cent increase per 1,000 gallons would take Ridgeway’s residential base rate to $14.72, but Councilman Doug Porter suggested raising the rate to $15 to help offset the costs of two upgrades to Ridgeway’s system that are pending. The Town’s water tank is in need of repair, Councilman Donald Prioleau said, and Mayor Charlene Herring said the Town is in need of a new wastewater pump. The water tank project has already been tabled for nearly a year, Porter said, and this year it would have to be tackled.
While no final decision was made Thursday, Council will address the rates in detail when budget work sessions begin later this month.
During Thursday night’s mayor’s report, Herring told Council that Raymond Brown had expressed interest in opening a florists shop in the building once occupied by Judy Miller’s shop Just Around the Corner. Herring also announced that Croom Hunter would be resigning his post as the Town’s Zoning Administrator and that Council would have to begin a search for Hunter’s replacement.