BLYTHEWOOD – Due to the Memorial Day holiday, Town Council met on Tuesday night at the Manor instead of Monday. After a public hearing for the zoning of two properties on Sandfield Road, and an ordinance to reduce the minimum side building set-backs for certain lots in Cobblestone Park, the Council unanimously passed second and final vote on the matters.
Council held first vote on three Administrative Ordinances: Ord. 2013.007, to raise fee schedules for permits; Ord. 2013.008, to bring ordinances and fee schedule forms into line with each other; and Ord. 2013.009, to adopt the budget for fiscal year 2013-14. All three passed unanimously. Town Administrator John Perry said a public hearing will be held on June 24 for the fee schedule ordinance.
Council proclaimed Iron Brew Coffee as the official coffee of the Town. The beans are grown in Brazil and roasted in Blythewood, and the coffee is manufactured in a facility in the industrial complex area of Community Road.
Sarah Bailey was announced as being in charge of the Blythewood Farmer’s Market, which will open on Monday, June 3, from 3-7 p.m.
Perry announced that the first Blythewood Brainery session is completed with 31 students participating. It will begin again in July. Perry also announced that a fireworks event will be held at the Manor on July 6 and said he would have more information available later.
Councilman Moscati gave a report on the park construction and said the Park Committee would meet in late July. Moscati said that by then he should know what the funding is for the park. Mayor J. Michael Ross said Council would need to look to the private sector for funds in order to get the park finished. Moscati also said he would like to remind the residents that they are not currently paying any property taxes to the town, but he said he does think there’s going to be a time when they will have to pay a property tax for services. Councilman Ed Garrison agreed, saying the cost of doing business is increasing and it’s going to cost for services, such as maintaining the park. Ross said he didn’t mind paying taxes if he sees he gets something nice.
Council members will attend the annual Municipal Association meeting in Greenville the week of July 18-23.
A special Town Council meeting has been called for next Wednesday, June 5, to review the budget.