Teens turn Doko Meadows movie night fun into mayhem

BLYTHEWOOD – Saturday night’s Movies in the Park event in Blythewood’s Doko Park started like prior Movies in the Park events – with parents sitting on blankets with their children, laughing and talking, playing games, playing with their dogs, and munching on snacks as they wait for the movie to start at sundown. In the […]

Cooks indicted for public corruption

Judge Issues Permanent Injunction Against Griffin in BW Council Lawsuit  BLYTHEWOOD – A woman who was hired by Blythewood Mayor Sloan Griffin last Nov. 7 as the Town’s Deputy Administrator, has been indicted for allegations of pub­lic corruption. After being hired by Griffin, Tif­fany Cooks resigned before ever reporting for work after The Voice published […]

Ad hoc committee applicants not required to submit qualifications

Goldbach: I Don’t Know If Any Represent Animal Welfare Organizations WINNSBORO – The seven members of the newly formed animal control advisory ad hoc committee were not required to submit applications or their qualifications for the positions before being appointed by county council. Only one application was sub­mitted, according to the county’s Public Information Officer […]

Winnsboro vet clinic to cut the ribbon March 28

WINNSBORO – Affordable vet services for pets in Fairfield County will be available soon – as soon, in fact, as the ribbon is cut on the town’s newly refurbished vet clinic on Friday, March 28. It’s long been the dream of former Director of the Fairfield Animal Shelter, Bob Innes – now associated with PETSInc. […]

Joseph Wellington Frederick, Sr.

Mr. Joseph Wellington Frederick, Sr., 90, of Bly­thewood, passed away on March 18, 2025. Joe was born on December 3, 1934, in Akron, Ohio. Joe went to high school in Harrisburg, Illinois and graduated in 1953. Upon graduation, he accepted a football scholarship and lettered at the University of South Carolina, where he earned a […]

Otis Buford Williams

Otis Buford Williams, 83, of Winnsboro passed away on Sunday, March 16, 2025. Born in Fairfield County on April 12, 1941, he was the son of the late Carless Hay­lon Williams and Lillian Idell Abbott Williams. He is survived by his lov­ing wife of 62 years, Maria del Carmen Parrao Williams; children, Carmen Lillian Wil­liams […]

Billie Duensing Wofford

Billie Duensing Wofford, 78, of Blythewood, died on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. Born in Columbia, SC, on December 17, 1946, she was a daughter of the late E.W. “Bill” Duensing and Mary Campbell Duensing. Mrs. Wofford spent her ca­reer as a registered nurse, beginning as soon as her graduation and until her retirement in 2008. […]

Blythewood claims program’s first state title

FLORENCE – Around this time three years ago, the Blythewood girls basketball team finished the season 0-19. On Friday night at the Florence Center, the Bengals won the 5A Division I state championship with a 62-56 victory over lower-state champion Summerville. “Their hard work has definitely paid off,” second-year head coach Emily McElveen-Schaeffer said. “That […]

Review of budget allocation reveals $18K Christmas party, new line item

BLYTHEWOOD – During a special called budget workshop meeting on March 5, council first reviewed the fiscal year 2024-25 budget, then heard from depart­ment heads regarding what their budget needs are looking like for the coming year. As that wrapped up, Council­man Donald Brock asked about items on a separate, loose spread­sheet that included budgeted […]

Fairfield County Animal Ordinance Ad Hoc Committee members named

FAIRFIELD COUNTY – The county’s animal welfare ordi­nance has long been under scru­tiny with the aim to strengthen and update it. Last year a pro­posed amended ordinance was presented to council with some inaccuracies that had been in­cluded by the county attorney and were objected to by some in the community. To that end, council […]

Contact us: (803) 767-5711 | P.O. Box 675, Blythewood, SC 29016 | info@blythewoodonline.com